7 Foundational Biblical Beliefs
16 Foundational Life Values

God is three persons in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.We value relationships

God is three persons in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Before creation began relationship already existed. The everlasting love that characterizes the Trinity is the essential, ever-enduring, constant reality of the cosmos.

1. We value relationships. Right, loving relationships with God and neighbor are essential

God is LoveWe value Character & Outreach

God is love. His every choice has been and will ever be unselfish and has been made to achieve the highest good for every being in the universe. His moral attributes, His character and ways are the foundation for all human ethics. We are to model our lives after His.

2. We value character (the “be” of love). The development of skills and knowledge cannot be pursued without the development of godly virtue and the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

3. We value outreach (the “do” of love). Because God’s love reaches out to the world, so must ours. We are to serve our neighboring community and distant peoples in word and deed with both the proclamation of God’s truth and the practical demonstration of His love, which results in the godly transformation of individuals and society.

God is CreatorWe value Creativity, Transformation & Diversity

God is a Creator. He is infinite and personal. We are His creation, made by Him in His image. Thus we are finite (unlike God) and personal (like God). All persons have the ability to think (cognitive), to feel (affective) and to choose (volitional). God created us with these natural attributes for a destiny of loving relationships, for they are the necessary elements which enable us to give and receive love.

4. We value creativity. We are designed to be co-creators with God. As minority partners, we do the possible and He does the impossible.

5. We value transformation. Because God is a change-maker, there is no room for a fatalistic approach to life.

6. We value diversity. God’s creation of myriads of diverse species precludes a narrowness of perspective.

God is a revealer of truth.We value Jesus, the Bible, the Created Order, and Learning

God is a revealer of truth. Truth is a constant and knowable. God’s revelation leads not only to knowledge, but to wisdom.

7. We value Jesus, God’s living revelation of Himself. We are to be imitators of Jesus.

8. We value the Bible, God’s written revelation of Himself. We are to be doers of the Word.

9. We value the created order, God’s natural revelation of Himself. We are to be caring stewards of God’s world.

10. We value learning. Thus we encourage all to live their whole life cultivating a teachable spirit, eager to know and apply truth in all arenas of life, physical and spiritual, personal and corporate.

God is a RedeemerWe value Mercy & Justice

God is a Redeemer. Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God makes a way for sin to be forgiven and relationships to be restored. His capacity to turn situations around is without parallel.

11. We value mercy. Even as God’s lovingkindness leads us to repentance, so also our relationships should be characterized by grace and compassion.


12. We value justice. Like mercy, this is an attribute of God’s love. Justice creates a secure environment for growth and development.

Every human being is valuableWe value Potential & the Individual

Every human being is valuable, because they are created by God in His image and are loved by Him. Every individual has inestimable worth, created with specific gifts and talents, which are to be discovered and developed for that individual’s fullest potential and destiny/purpose to be realized. Every person is responsible for how they live their life, according to their level of ability and knowledge.

13. We value potential. We recognize the incredible high calling that we have to spot gifts and talents and help champion and cultivate their development.


14. We value the individual. Respect for their choices and care for their lives are appropriate responses.

Belonging to the family of God.We value the Family & the Church

The ultimate destiny of humanity is belonging to the family of God. Family is to be highly esteemed because it has been created by God and is the goal of history.

15. We value the family. God ordained the family (both nuclear and extended) and gave it the lead authority/ responsibility for the formal/non-formal/informal education of children.


16. We value the family of God, the followers of Jesus, the church in all its diverse expressions which extends into eternity. We affirm their supportive partnership with the family in the training and discipleship of the emerging generation.

7 Foundational Biblical Beliefs

God is three persons in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God is three persons in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Before creation began relationship already existed. The everlasting love that characterizes the Trinity is the essential, ever-enduring, constant reality of the cosmos.

God is Love

God is love. His every choice has been and will ever be unselfish and has been made to achieve the highest good for every being in the universe. His moral attributes, His character and ways are the foundation for all human ethics. We are to model our lives after His.

God is Creator

God is a Creator. He is infinite and personal. We are His creation, made by Him in His image. Thus we are finite (unlike God) and personal (like God). All persons have the ability to think (cognitive), to feel (affective) and to choose (volitional). God created us with these natural attributes for a destiny of loving relationships, for they are the necessary elements which enable us to give and receive love.

God is a revealer of truth.

God is a revealer of truth. Truth is a constant and knowable. God’s revelation leads not only to knowledge, but to wisdom.

God is a Redeemer

God is a Redeemer. Through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, God makes a way for sin to be forgiven and relationships to be restored. His capacity to turn situations around is without parallel.

Every human being is valuable

Every human being is valuable, because they are created by God in His image and are loved by Him. Every individual has inestimable worth, created with specific gifts and talents, which are to be discovered and developed for that individual’s fullest potential and destiny/purpose to be realized. Every person is responsible for how they live their life, according to their level of ability and knowledge.

Belonging to the family of God.

The ultimate destiny of humanity is belonging to the family of God. Family is to be highly esteemed because it has been created by God and is the goal of history.

16 Foundational Life Values

We value relationships

1. We value relationships. Right, loving relationships with God and neighbor are essential

We value Character & Outreach

2. We value character (the “be” of love). The development of skills and knowledge cannot be pursued without the development of godly virtue and the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

3. We value outreach (the “do” of love). Because God’s love reaches out to the world, so must ours. We are to serve our neighboring community and distant peoples in word and deed with both the proclamation of God’s truth and the practical demonstration of His love, which results in the godly transformation of individuals and society.

We value Creativity, Transformation & Diversity

4. We value creativity. We are designed to be co-creators with God. As minority partners, we do the possible and He does the impossible.

5. We value transformation. Because God is a change-maker, there is no room for a fatalistic approach to life.

6. We value diversity. God’s creation of myriads of diverse species precludes a narrowness of perspective.

We value Jesus, the Bible, the Created Order, and Learning

7. We value Jesus, God’s living revelation of Himself. We are to be imitators of Jesus.

8. We value the Bible, God’s written revelation of Himself. We are to be doers of the Word.

9. We value the created order, God’s natural revelation of Himself. We are to be caring stewards of God’s world.

10. We value learning. Thus we encourage all to live their whole life cultivating a teachable spirit, eager to know and apply truth in all arenas of life, physical and spiritual, personal and corporate.

We value Mercy & Justice

11. We value mercy. Even as God’s lovingkindness leads us to repentance, so also our relationships should be characterized by grace and compassion.


12. We value justice. Like mercy, this is an attribute of God’s love. Justice creates a secure environment for growth and development.

We value Potential & the Individual

13. We value potential. We recognize the incredible high calling that we have to spot gifts and talents and help champion and cultivate their development.


14. We value the individual. Respect for their choices and care for their lives are appropriate responses.

We value the Family & the Church

15. We value the family. God ordained the family (both nuclear and extended) and gave it the lead authority/ responsibility for the formal/non-formal/informal education of children.


16. We value the family of God, the followers of Jesus, the church in all its diverse expressions which extends into eternity. We affirm their supportive partnership with the family in the training and discipleship of the emerging generation.