Assessment Info

Accreditation is the first step in the school development process. In GAA, we model our accreditation framework after Biblical perspective on assessment. We design our assessment process based on how Jesus would assess us.

Unique Characteristics of
GAA Accreditation Process


We accept schools just as they are and wherever they are in their process of development and walk with them to develop from that point onwards.

Uniqueness & Creativity

GAA uses biblical educational principles to look at school practices. GAA lets schools have the freedom to maintain their unique identity and exercise creativity and diversity in meeting every educational principle through diversity of school practices.

Collaborative & Fruitfulness-focused

We focus on helping schools to identify their strengths as well as areas that they wish to develop in the context of the school moving toward the fulfillment of its unique vision.


GAA Accreditation and Development Process for Schools:

Filling the GAA Self-Assessment Form

A school will apply for membership with the GAA. This can be done through online application or contacting the GAA team ([email protected]). After becoming a GAA member, the school will be in communication with the GAA team in order to do the next step, which is to fill in the GAA Self-Assessment Form. Filling the GAA Self-Assessment Form is simply listing the existing school practice. There is no requirement for schools to fulfill prior to the GAA assessment.

External Assessment by the GAA Team

After filling in the self-assessment form, the school will submit it to the GAA and then work out a schedule for an external assessment. When the school is ready to be evaluated they will notify the GAA who will arrange for a two or more person audit team to visit the school. The assessment process with the audit team for most, if not all schools has been a relaxing and enjoyable experience that is full of collaboration and a learning experience for them.

Development Cycle for Schools

Two weeks after the external assessment, the school will receive the full report of the accreditation process containing their strength and areas for improvement. The school will also receive an accreditation certificate with the average star rating indicating where they are currently at in their development journey. 

The school will then decide on how to follow up the GAA assessment result and recommendation. The GAA assessor team will be available to consult the school in this process. Annually, the school will report to the GAA assessor team on how they are doing through a simple self-assessment platform. Every three years an external audit will be carried out by the GAA assessor team.

GAA Training and Resources for Further Development

The school is encouraged to continually grow in their understanding of biblical educational principles. To meet this need, GAA seeks to provide resources both online and face-to-face. GAA facilitates trainings and provides resources that aim to equip the school with a deeper understanding of the biblical standard of discipleship in Christian education. GAA also encourages nearby schools to form or engage in a learning community where they can grow together and strengthen one another. GAA hopes that schools will grow and develop continually to become the school that God wants them to be.

Mission Statement

The school has developed, reviews, and is living out of a mission statement that defines the vision, goals and mission of the school in all ten educational categories incorporating beliefs and values consistent with those of GAA.


The school, recognizing the parent’s unique authority and responsibility in this task seeks to assist the family in equipping their children for their God-given destiny, by equipping them for and including them in all aspects of the educational process as


The school assists students to be equipped for their God-given destiny, assisting them to know God while recognizing and developing their different gifts, learning styles, personalities and strengths, in an emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy 


The school has a team that consists of sufficient formally or non-formally trained personnel to fulfill the teaching, administrative and other roles of the school and encourages and facilitates their further development and care.


The school provides adequate governance, inspirational leadership and effective organization that makes decisions by seeking to ‘hear’ God so as to assist the school fulfill their vision as described by their mission statement.


The school has administrative, legal and financial systems and records suitable for the ongoing management and stewardship of the school to legal, safe, healthy and aesthetically pleasing standard.


The school uses a curriculum that is consistent with their mission statement and encourages students to know and serve God and be equipped for their God given destiny and clearly defines goals, processes and expectations for student learning and developme.

Training Systems

The school uses educational strategies that facilitate the skills, knowledge and character development of all students, encouraging them to know and serve God and discover and be equipped for their God given destiny


The school has an assessment system to evaluate the student’s progress.

Facilities & Resources

The school has sufficient, safe, aesthetic and functional facilities and resources to support their programs.